How to Use Photos Companion on Windows 10



Microsoft's new photos app for iOS and Android lets you ...

2018年2月15日 — Microsoft is releasing a new Photos Companion app for iOS and Android today, designed to make it much quicker to get photos from a phone to a PC.

Microsoft's Photos Companion Transfers Pics From Phone ...

2018年2月15日 — Microsoft's new Photos Companion app makes transferring photos from a phone to a Windows 10 PC quick and easy -- as long as the two devices ...


2018年2月19日 — Windows 10 already comes built in with a Photos app already. Open Start, click Photos or open Start, type: photos. Hit Enter. Best, Andre

Photos companion is the fastest way to bring your Android ...

2018年2月26日 — Microsoft Garage's Photos companion makes it quick and simple to move pictures from your phone to Windows 10.

Photos Companion

An app for Android and iOS that makes it easy to transfer photos and videos from a phone to the Microsoft Photos app on a Windows 10 PC.

Transfer Pics and Video to Windows 10 from Mobile with ...

Transfer Photos from iOS or Android to Windows 10 with Photos Companion. To get things started, download the Photos Companion app to your Android or iPhone.

Windows都有AirDrop? Photos Companion登場支援 ...

2018年2月25日 — 這個Photos Companion現時仍屬於測試App,不過大家已經可以分別在App Store及Google Play下載。要使用傳相功能,首先手機及Windows 10電腦需要連接到同 ...

微軟全新Photos Companion App 手機輕鬆無線傳輸相片

2018年2月16日 — 要使用這新功能有三個前提,1. 你的手機必須是iOS 或Android 系統;2. Windows 10 相片App 必須是2018.18011.13110.0 版本以上;3.電腦與手機必須在同個網 ...


2018年2月15日—MicrosoftisreleasinganewPhotosCompanionappforiOSandAndroidtoday,designedtomakeitmuchquickertogetphotosfromaphonetoaPC.,2018年2月15日—Microsoft'snewPhotosCompanionappmakestransferringphotosfromaphonetoaWindows10PCquickandeasy--aslongasthetwodevices ...,2018年2月19日—Windows10alreadycomesbuiltinwithaPhotosappalready.OpenStart,clickPhotosoropenStart,type:photos.HitEnter.Best,Andre,2...